New Pet

My computer has become so slow now its getting to the point where I am beginning to tear my hair out - however my dad has bought me some more RAM so hopefully that will fix it!
Was really tired today, I'm finding it really hard to sleep at the moment. Kind of managed to pay attention in my lecture on attention...
Then this evening I went to the Byre theatre with Tara and Ally to see a student production of Spring Awakening. It was good, but unless you had read the play, I think they may have made some things a bit to subtle - like the fact the lead girl dies at the end - you really had to work it out! Best thing about being in St Andrews though, you get Jannetta's ice cream in the interval!
Oh and the picture is rubbish seeing as I dont have a macro lens as I don't have a very fancy camera, however TSP found this in his lettuce today. Which he bought over a week ago and has been in the fridge - and has been eaten since then. It was surprisingly still ok, although it explained why the lettuce had loads of tiny holes in it. He now lives in a small box with lettuce, we have yet to decide on a name.

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