
By PlanW

We Got The Dreamers Disease*

We did our Children in Need Cake Sale at work today instead of tomorrow as we tied it in with an extra dress down day for which we could hit people for cash (and these days the place is deserted on a Friday so there's no profit to be had). We had a fantastic array of home made cakes, biscuits, chocolates, chocolate apples and who knows what else. We made £250 for the cakes alone and a further £500 shaking a bucket. I was the co-ordinator so I'll have that one for my end of year performance appraisal global inclusion box ticking operation, thank you very much.

I got a bit of abuse for letting some of my cakes go 'ex-department' so I've made two more tonight, a monster carrot cake and a monumental hummingbird cake (basically a carrot cake with pineapple in place of the carrot) which is so big the container lid is sitting like a top hat.

We've got a fella in the office who's been getting hairier and hairier over the last couple of weeks, I casually asked him if he was taking part in the Movember worldwide fundraising thing, I didn't intend it to sound like 'are you doing that for a bet' but it might have come out that way and he shuffled about kind of embarrasedly and said no. I challenged him to whip it all off if we raised a specified amount, I sent out a carefully worded email, hit the target and waited for the sponsorship to arrive. We've got a slightly confusing counter-bid anti-sponsorship thing going on, whereas some people are sponsoring him to not shave it off. Who cares, in the words of St Bob "give us your focking monay"!!

Get What You Give, New Radicals, 1999

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