Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Fort George

Kerr slept like a dream last night in his travel cot. The hotel room we have is really spacious, and luckily there is room for his cot outside the bathroom door, which is behind a partition from the main room. So he kind of has his own quarters - result!

After a full Scottish breakfast, we visited Fort George. Luckily we brought our Historic Scotland membership cards with us which allowed us free entry. It should have taken around 2 hours to do the audio tour, but it was so cold that we scurried to the cafe and had soup and sandwiches then scurried back to the car again. Oops! Looks like a great place to visit on a nicer day though!

We then headed into Inverness and looked around the shops. The monkey you can see here with Kerr has gone missing since we got back to the hotel :-( We think it has maybe been left in Debenhams when we took Kerr out of the pram to try on a coat. We'll need to phone them in the morning. It's a good job we have 3 monkeys in total, but I still feel bad about losing one.

Kerr did well out of our shopping trip. He has ended up with a new winter coat, a snowsuit, a couple of tops and 2 pairs of trousers. Lucky boy!

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