In Pictures and Words

By danebsworth

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Andy Hainsworth, "or Thomas Cook as his friends call him,"(1) captulated exactly what the day's feluca was about: bugger all apart from relaxing. Which, on account of the fact that we were 7 hours aboard (it appears that there were some communication issues - primarily what our intention was and what the captain's understanding of what that was) was a good job really.

In Other News
Ate a a rather over priced 'spit and sawdust' shak in the midde of no where, which added an interesting perspective to the day's events. Apparantly the going rate for half a roast chicken is 40LE...

Chicken farming anyone?

(1) Big Gay John's comments on accoutn of Hainsworth's second balls up in the field of tourism. Holiday rep, he is not!

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