Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

The fatness

This is how I found Shu when we returned home from running errands today.

Shu has at least doubled in size since we adopted him into our home as a stray. He is a brown Garfield. He likes eating. We have tried picking up the food bowl for portions of the day. That just means he obsessively gorges when the food bowl is down. We can't really feed all four cats at a certain time because we have one neurotic cat that just won't come out to eat on a schedule. I am not willing to starve my daughter's favorite neurotic cat to try to curb Shu's eating.

Shu is super happy being fat. He loves his life. He is rather dog-like in his behavior and he really likes us to stick to a schedule. He loves to wake up the girls for school in the morning and waits patiently outside their doors until it is time to wake them. Then he bounds onto their beds and walks all over them until they are awake. He is hard to ignore and wonderful morning helper.

He is a great companion. I just hope he doesn't cut his life short with his passion for eating. I guess he remembers being hungry for that week that he was outside in the world between homes. He doesn't like being hungry. He is storing up reserves in case that ever happens again. He will be prepared.

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