Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

A Change

Stuck in the house today, working. But better than the alternative. You wouldnt put a dog out in the weather today. Well that's not exactly true as the dogs were taken out (not by me I hasten to add) but the walks were not the normal leisurely affairs

So for a change, I have tried to do something new for me. Its not perfect by a long stretch but it was a wee bit of fun and more exploration of the camera and techniques is required but hey - I gave it a go. Something I would never have dared to in pre blip days! And I need a standby blip for the winter months and water seems like a good option. It being on tap so to speak. (its OK I am having a word with myself over that one)

Off to dash out in the wind and rain. Its Master Life in Fife's parents night at school. Joy.....pound to a penny he is fab at everything but his written work is illegible. Poor lad - he lacks a good example in that department! :)

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