My Angle

By myangle


Well, I made it to 200.

The first 100 flew by. The second seemed to take a lot longer.

After weeks of thinking about what to shoot I had this idea last night. After asking Jo what she thought and getting more ideas from her than I could shake a stick at I thought of this while posting last nights effort. Taking the photos turned out to be harder than I thought. For a start the weather didn't co-operate. I was looking for clear skies and I got cloud. Then, halfway through the sequence it started to rain. I covered my camera and got soaked while I waited it out. Luckily I live in a warm climate. The rain was quite pleasant. I set up the camera and shot an image every 12 or so minutes for an hour and a half. These 5 are the best of the bunch. In the beginning I had to over expose for the backlight and the last 2 images I took are slightly under exposed to tone down the lights on the bridge.

Anyone who knows me knows that as much as I like to think I can stick at projects, I rarely do. So I am quite pleased with my blip efforts. 200 days without a miss is rare commitment from me. Hopefully I can keep at it for a while longer.

What have I learned?

Some people visit my blip almost every day and leave a comment even though I rarely leave one on theirs (I do drop by for a look though).
I can't take a 5/5 photo every day (that thought fell by the wayside a while ago).
I don't have time for this!!! How do people find so much time to comment and take photos?
My photos are better than my writing (that's saying something!)

Where to from here?
Well, 365 I suppose.

Any ideas for blip 201 would be most welcome.

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