Gifts of Grace

By grace


This is my buttress. Well, my adopted buttress at my new sit-spot.

I usually sit on the other side of it, sheltered from the prevailing W/SW winds. Today, for the first time since I've been going there, the wind was straight out of the East and STRONG. So I got acquainted with this little nook. It felt incredibly warm and safe, about two feet of rock and concrete protecting me from the chill. A place where I could tuck myself away, watch single leaves scud across the beach from east to west; the gulls and crows harvest shellfish, soar into the wind, perfectly timing the drop to break the shell, swoop to peck their prize; ducks tack clumsily towards the burn's fresh water.

This scene, birds heading East, leaves, waves and clouds blown West was like layer upon layer of living tapestry. The sounds of the birds, the wind, the waves so soothing I could almost have slept. Life is full of surprises. A perfect haven two minutes from home. I now cannot walk into town without stopping by, checking in, connecting, breathing it all in. Blessed be.

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