
By FauxPunk

Your Call is important to us

Yeah, which is why I gave up after HALF A FRICKEN HOUR of being told they'd be with me soon. Who exactly defines soon?

It's not a good day blip-wise... these long days are making it a real struggle for me to manage to do anything with the camera, which is why there are so many iphone blips lately. Have backblips to do, but iphone uploader not working, so going to have to get on the case with that. I do have two backblips from the camera tho, so those will follow (or preced, I guess... bizarre concept).

Not a lot to say :(

~~note to blip central~~

Clearer Headings for suspensions would be useful - if your heading had told me the real reason for the suspension (rather than saying the image didn't appear to have been taken on Tuesday 16 November 2010) Then I would have been less likely to have missed the tiny bit of writing underneath that told me the real problem. I'm sure this would save the admin/moderator people just as much time, effort & frustration as it would save their devoted blippers. Love you ^5

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