It's Wrong to Wish on Space Hardware, I wish, I wi
This was my port of call this evening.
Reiki Night at Malcolm Sargent House.
The House is a holiday home for the families of Children suffering from cancer. I have met some truely inspiring people while I have been practising there. Some parent's children are sick, some are in remission, some are in pallitive care. The one thing they all have in common is that all their families lives have been touched by cancer in one form or another.
I am in complete awe of these parents who continue to function, as competent, outwardly happy, parents, glad to have the time to spend with their children.
I've met parents who have lost their children, and are still grieving, parents whose children have been sicker than you could imagine and have started to pull back.
All of them are inspiring. When you spend time with these people, any problems you have are miniscule in comparison.
It's my pleasure to give them 45 minutes of calm, and hopefully recharge them a little to get them going for the next day.
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