Hoppy Days

By hoppydays

Mr Bump

I dropped Kerr off as usual this morning at the childminder, and headed to work. My phone was on silent, so I didn't hear it when I got a call saying Kerr had bumped his head - ouch!

After a few phonecalls between me, kerrsdaddy, the childminder and my parents, I left work and went to collect the wounded soldier. He had been carrying his monkey from the kitchen into the living room when he tripped up and banged his head off the door frame :-(

I felt sorry for Jillian, the lovely childminder. She was quite upset when I went to collect him, and felt really bad about it all. She said she has never had any accidents in the past 2 years with the two wee girls she looks after, what a shame for her! I had to sign an accident form, and take him to the doctor to get checked out. If it had happened at home I probably wouldn't have taken him to the GP because he really did seem fine and was quite cheerful when I collected him at 10am. However, best to be safe than sorry so off to the GP we went. We got the all clear and were advised to watch out for vomiting or drowsiness for the next 24 hours.

So, I ended up with an impromptu day off work - thanks Kerr! And thank goodness for carer's leave...

No doubt he will have a cracker of a bruise for the next wee while. The first of many I'm sure.

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