
By Rioja


I'm sure it's getting colder as each day goes by!

Had a slippery walk to the bus stop this morning in my grip-less shoes. Need to sort out a winter pair in order to stop looking like Michael Jackson impersonator trying to moonwalk up the road!

I did manage to stand still long enough to take this shot. The burning red colour in the sky makes it look as if it should have been warm rather than frosty.

I then had to run slide about as quick as I could for the bus, only to find I had left my wallet, which contained by bus pass in the house. All I had was a £1 coin and a 50p piece in my pocket - Gutted, £1.50 for a £1.20 fare! I chuffin hate giving them more than the fare, they must make a fortune by not giving punters change!!

Went for another wonder at lunch time but nothing much happening - Couple of spots that didn't turn out to be that interesting were:

- The Lord Provost (George Grubb) getting his jewels loaded into the back of his car outside the Sheraton - BORING!

- Two young ladies from the Sun newspaper getting their picture taken (not by me) with the Castle behind them - BORING (They still had their tops on)

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