
By Icarus59

Where Theres Brass Theres Light

As i was at home last night , which is unusual for me but i had run out of working and driving hours , i wasnt looking forward to the 5am rise to go back to work and sit in my truck and do nothing. Imagine my suprise to find when i woke that the whole village was in darkness due to yet another power cut. We have one about once every 2 weeks in winter and i usually come home to a flooded kitchen thanks to the freezer defrosting.
When i returned home this afternoon to a dark freezing house with still no power i was pi***d off to say the least so out came the candles and the mop.Just as i lit the last candle the power came back on . Sods law isnt it but never mind ive just left the lights off and the candles lit for a cosey evening in front of the telly. Thank goodness i new where i had left the lighter as my torch was flat(at least now i can charge it).

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