Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok

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I guess everyone knows what these yellow notes are about. However the question might be what they are doing at my office divided to the three columns "To Do", "In Progress" and "Done"? Shouldn't modern software company have some more sophisticated methods for this type of information?

The answer is yes it should and it has but still for quite some time I have kept also this manual taskboard with a bit less detailed level to just have quick look to the situation all the time in my view. I have all information stored and up-to-date in one scrum tool with all the details (it has even some plugins for our testing&defect management system) but just somehow have liked to have this one also. Call me old fashioned or whatever..

Today I made a huge leap of faith as decided to leave this view as it is and start only using the scrum tool we have on one of our servers. What if the sky falls next week or the world ends 2012 as Mayas have "decided" for us? I guess would then lose the information of the tasks my team is having at the ongoing sprint ;)

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