This day

By snapper

Good start

Today I had to travel to Oban to stand in for a work collegue and do some drama work with ankle biters! Being Monday thus the start of the week and most of them having had their Sunday bath they were reasonably sweet smelling!

They have been working on a play for radio and I have to say they had made a very good start and had developed a reasonably good story line albeit based on that bloody XFactor rubbish they all watch on TV!. I suggested they listen to some radio to get the gist of how drama is done on the radio and they looked at me like I were a Martian. Radio! they squacked, yes radio that will give you all an idea how to do a play with only voice and sound effects.. "but the XFactor isnt on the radio" God have we become such a visual society that we no longer use our ears? What is it with this reality TV crap anyhow and who decided to use the oxymoron reality? there is no reality about being whicked off to a studio to be an acting pig infront of baying Collesum audiences!

Anyhows I managed to grab a photo down the bay. There are times I often think Oban is a dump! especially when you hit it from the other end. All its really got going for it is the nice Oban Bay, the rest..... Why cant the city fathers see their way to making a bypass and then one could strool around all ints interesting shops like MacKays, Boots, Superdrug, ReadyChem and the proverbial Ediunburger woollen mill shop!

Anyho at risk of being lynched by Achad 54 I will admit the bay can be quite stunning and all the town really needs is some nice original shops

Im off to listen to some radio to get some stuff for these ankle snappers to hear the next time we meet

Have a good blip day/evening all

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