
By Appreciation

Leith's Sunshine Boy

There could only be one blip today, and I make no apology for it's technical ability. Meet my Dad. A most gentle, caring, humourous, loving man, who treasurers his family above all else - even fitba, horses and being Scottish.

Due to his illness every word is a hauled from the depths of his brain, which often plays the cruelest of tricks on him. Yet still he makes us laugh.

He came out of hospital today after a short bout of pnuemonia. In the car on the way home he was saying how well they had looked after him - a big bonus and relief to us all. He then started talking about an auxilliary (who he took a dislike to). He was sure he was a security guard.

Aye well, he was a bit of a b%*&@£* him. You know I can take a lot doll, but when he started.......

at this point I'm dreading what he believes the guy was up to...

......telling me what to do in that department...... you know how I should change my ways and all, well I wasn't very happy. I mean who is he to tell me my tea should have milk or sugar in it?

Who indeed. The relief was enormous as I muffled a laugh. At least this thought wouldn't cause him nightmares or any great distress.

He was so delighted to be home that he couldn't concentrate enough to stay still for me, but his smile says it all.

Welcome home Dad, my we have missed you.

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