Campervan Kid

By Campervankid

happy calzonie

went to pick up cosmo and creepers this morning. They are 2 guinea pigs we are fostering for the rspca until they have some more space. We also met tyson, an 11 year old german shepherd who has quite a few medical problems and so has been stuck in the keenels for a while now. We have offered to foster him until he can fine a perm. Home. Will keep you posted on what happens

k's sister stayed last night and mum came down so w,ent out for lunch and this is how my main came out! It tasted as good as it looks.

K's sister went home and dad arrived so we all headed down to a village quiz in offton. We are looking to move to a house in offton, a really nice, friendly village and the quizzes are great fun. We lost badly but had a blast none the less!

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