
By shy

Life and Death

Early this morning, there was a set of extremely loud bangs on the front door. I opened it to discover three burly policemen standing on the doorstep. It turns out they were conducting a survey about whether residents in the area had experienced any anti-social behaviour recently.

"..apart from being woken up this morning by a huge racket outside my front door? " I quipped.

" would you like to accompany me to the station?" he quipped back...

We had a very nice discussion about vandals and stuff, and consequently became late for work.

The copper finished off by asking "have you got any illegal firearms, sir?"
"No" said I.
"would you like some?" he asked.

(That last bit didn't really happen. I made it up)

During my fag beak this morning I noticed a dead leaf in a bush ( not difficult because there were lots). The sun was illuminating the scene quite nicely, so I blipped it.
It made me muse a little on the meaning of life and death, and I thought this pic could almost be a metaphor for Henry and his Grandad.

Then I thought shut up shy, it's a bloody dead leaf in a bush.

The last episode of The Genius of Photography is on tonight, although I might miss a bit due to the gym.

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