My day today


Beautiful eyes

It has been a very strange day, just got nothing done on self study so that means I will have to spend all day Sunday doing what I wanted to do today, never mind it's meant to be horrible weather tomorrow and I tend to dislike the cold, brrrrr!

My picture today is 3 peacock feathers that I love, as per usual it was taken on my mobile phone which is a Nokia 5800 with only a 3.2megapixel camera.

I love these feathers, some folk think they are bad luck, how can such a thing of beauty be unlucky. The colours are amazing, I use them in alot of my home flower displays.

The intention was to go to the Edinburgh Botannical Gardens today for a New Media thing, it is on until Nov 21st called "It's another world" I shall take a quick look tomorrow. I hope to get a photo, yet my visit shall be shorter than wanted due to my self study, however, as I live quite close I can go at lunchtime to have an enjoyable break from self study.

Hope you enjoyed my picture today and enjoy what is left of your Saturday, bye bye for tonight.

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