Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom

First things first, I'm going to write about Thursday as I forgot to get a blip for it.

Thursday was brilliant, split into 4 delightful sections.

1. The end of the bottle project which I was extremely pleased to stop working on.
2. The start of a new project, which I am insanely excited about (and yet I still haven't got started on it nearly as well as I had hoped - to the point where I'm strongly considering not going out tonight to get more done)
3. Actually met Connor, a guy who's been sat with our group for about 2 weeks, and yet somehow we had never said a single word to each other...
4. A brilliant night down the Stannary with £1 pints of cider, followed by the most intense card game I've ever played. The night ended with me passed out on someone else's bed for a good couple of hours whilst they were all in the kitchen chatting, before being told to leave at 4am.


Okay, Friday... a nice quiet evening down the Stannary this time, followed by another game of Jungle Fever before having a moderately early night.


Left over from a project a few week okay, I now have a lot of long strips of paper. Turns out they make brilliant to-do lists!

Something good: Everything
Something new: 'Jungle Fever' - a card game of true awesomeness.

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