Daniel Big Society

Cold, wet and muddy walk this morning with Juno, almost went my length on a slippery slope.

Work was a journey of happiness.

Great cup of tea with Tractor Photo and Wingpig. Afterwards we headed over to the Usher Hall to chat to the ladies queueing for Daniel O'Donnel tickets.

Spoke to Jackie and Maureen, they started queueing at 9.30 am, the tickets go on sale tomorrow at 9.00. They were all wrapped up and prepared for a night out. The reason for the queueing is that the public get 30 mins to buy tickets before it goes on the web, they can get their favourite seats at the front.

It was all very organised with each queuer given a raffle ticket number and that is the order for buying tickets, no keeping places for other people and limited to 2 tickets each(hence a couple of hubbies in the queue too).

They have queued for tickets all over the UK, they are not looking forward to the night as they get hassle and abuse from drunks and clubbers on Lothian Road. This saddens me, the ladies said the rip the sleeping bags off them and are really aggressive.

A great chat and back to work.

I popped back down to the Usher hall to get a better picture as they refused a face picture. I had a secret weapon of homemade dropped scones and victoria jam, trying to put faith back in the younger generation. Maureen allowed me a picture, Jackie was lying in her tent(tied to a down pipe of the Usher Hall).

Thanks ladies and I hope you have a quiet night and get the tickets you want.

Round of the day, quite simply the best ever episode of
Come dine with me 12/11/10, the veggie lady was brilliant, in fact ouststanding throughout.

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