The No

By TheNo


All I wanted to capture was this person's silhouette, and how it worked with the light and shade, and also the contrasting lines of the windows, the brickwork and the curtain.

I was able to focus and expose my shot the better to conceal her identity, which I thought was the least I could do as she's inside her own home. It was, though, a must-photograph photograph, and I am happy with the result.

Still, I am fully aware that this picture walks an ethical tightrope. It takes me back to this exhibition on the ethics of candid photography. I actually blipped from the gallery that day. Ironically, the gallery staff asked me to stop.

For me, the main ethical question posed by the kind of pictures that I take is: are they exploitative? I feel that they aren't, but I appreciate that that's easy for me to say.

Thoughts welcome.

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