jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Singing for his breakfast!

Ben asked for his drumsticks even before we got downstairs this morning.

(I'm feeling much better today by the way - I only have a particularly bad cold today, rather than the wretched nastie that has made me want to just curl up and disappear over the last 2 or 3 days.)

He found all his various drums, and sang long enough for me to make a brew, get breakfast ready, tell him that it was ready, and start eating in peace and (relative) quiet.

Eventually the drumming stopped - but only because he was carrying them all into the kitchen. And then he realised that I wasn't kidding, that breakfast really was ready, so he joined in with the eating.

After that, it was straight back to drumming.

We've entered a new phase in the "try to get a picture of Ben" game. It went from Ben simply not understanding enough to pose, to him understanding and being beautifully cooperative, to him just not sitting still long enough to get a decent shot unless the sun was at its brightest and I could have a suitably fast shutter speed, to him not even giving me that chance because he wants to see the picture before its even been taken! This shot was managed through me promising to clap (in between setting up the shot) while he sang and played for me. It was over all too soon, he kept insisting on bringing the drums closer to me.

Not really much to report on the rest of yesterday. The cakes are half eaten, none are iced although now they're not fresh out of the oven I might ice them. I went to bed halfway through the evening and eventually Ben decided (halfway through an episode of Timmy Time, apparently) he wanted to go to bed so he trotted off upstairs. It took an hour to get him to sleep though, by which time I was awake and hungry...

Steve was a Wonderful Husband and ventured out into the Weather at gone 10.30pm to the shop for milk and various bits so that I wouldn't have to today. I feel I ought to record that here. Because I am truly grateful. And even though I feel tonnes better today, and I might even get dressed (gosh), I don't think I'll be going out at all if I can help it.

Here's to sunshine and better days. Now... coffee and cake time, I reckon...

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