
By PlanW

You Give Me Faron Young

Four In The Morning*

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Sometimes they just learn on their own.

This is Maisie. She came here in June (for a week!), as you can see from the link, she was a bit of a bloater, never having been outside or moved about a great deal. She was scared of everything.

She loves to go out these days but doesn't seem to go far, has shed some pounds, and seems to enjoy life. In the past 3 weeks she's started using the cat flap and now, at 4am, she's brought in her first mouse. It wasn't as dead as this when it arrived because it got away and was hiding in my bedroom. I was not so pleased about that but shut the door with the cat on the inside, turned the light off and tried to snooze. 5 minutes later, a little jumping and scrambling about and Mickey's deid.

Quick snap, on auto, blip done. However, now I'm awake ...

* Faron Young, Prefab Sprout, 1985, from 'Steve McQueen' one of the most important albums of my life. What a time was had in 1985!

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