Lindsay's photo diary

By twinlindz

Remembrance day

At 11am on the 11.11 we stop and think of the fallen heroes of our country.

We stop and say thank you to those that did and still are fighting for our freedom.

We stop and think of those that have been injured or who have lost their lives trying to protect ours.

We stop and think of the families that are now missing a part of them.

We stop and ask the question "could I do it?"

My blip today is of my hero, my Grandad. This picture was taken in 1942. I don't no much more about it as I never got the chance to ask him about it before he died. I think I remember him telling me it was taken in Egypt but I could be wrong. It's one of my most prized possession and the only thing that I have that offers a small look into the life of my Grandad in 1942.

Today was about stopping and remembering. As he use to say every year on remembrance day...

We Will Never Forget.


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