Hoppy Days

By hoppydays


Surely we can't be hitting the terrible twos already?

Kerr has been a bit off his food this week which is not like him at all. Today at lunchtime it was worse than ever. He was having quiche which he usually loves. He refused point blank to eat any and just screamed and turned his head away. I knew he must be hungry because he didn't eat much for breakfast. I am not willing to start offering other foods to him if he refuses something - I really don't want him to become a fussy eater, so if he doesn't eat a meal then he can wait until the next one.

He kicked up such a fuss and kept asking to get out of the highchair. I eventually unstrapped him and popped him on the floor. He then started pointing and shouting at his bowl of quiche which was on the breakfast bar. I gave it to him with his cup of water, and he quietly ate almost the full bowl while sitting on the manky floor! (A combination of awful weather and a large dog means the floor is a nightmare to keep clean at this time of year, grr.)

We have come to realise that he is trying to exert his authority over us, starting with self feeding.

Dinner tonight was a bit better. He didn't get the option of getting out of the highchair despite his best efforts. He did however manage to feed himself a few spoonfuls of mince and potatoes, and allowed me to feed him the rest. Yay!

Mummy 1 - Kerr 0

Also, Kerr got his first proper 'walking' shoes today - he is modelling them in the photo. Size 4F, with flashing lights - very festive!

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