As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Smells Like Piss...Piss With Ink

So...most exciting part of the day: End of 5th period.

As the bell rings, signaling the end of the period (in this case it was math), the fire alarm goes off. We're all a little confused, so our teacher tells us to take our stuff and go down the stairs. The moment we walk out of the room, we see that a thin white haze has pervaded the air. People come out of the room across from us coughing and we realized that the source of the fog was that room; a computer lab that is used for business classes. As we start walking down the stairs, we hear a few girls that came out of that room saying that there isn't really a fire. What I heard is that someone knocked the fire exstinguisher off of the wall and it opened, causing the white haze. Either someone pulled the fire alarm or the extinguisher is on a sensor that started the alarm when it was removed from it's hook. Either way, I spent 20 minutes of my lunch period standing outside in the cold watching fire fighters enter the building.

In other news...

I had a science test today. It wasn't too hard but there were a few questions I wasn't too sure about. I modeled in art and got a 102 on my open notebook Italian quiz. As if it wasn't easy enough, she reviewed the entire week before the test and practically gave us the answers yesterday. I can't say I'm complaining, but... I'm complaining. I love the language and I want to learn more of it but I feel like I'm stuck at this level. Maybe next year...

An explanation for yesterday. I really like to learn and sometimes, certain situations make that really clear. Example: Learning about fossils for science olympiads. I don't really like learning about fossils, but I enjoy learning. The way I see it, every little piece of information I learn is stored in the great big library that is my brain and I hope to fill my "library" with more information than the Library of Congress.

I finished A Tree Grows in Brooklyn today. It was an amazing book and I'm so upset that I finished it. I constantly searched for little bits of time that I could read it and those few minutes instantly made my day. I STRONGLY recommend that you read it.

More Sweeney Todd...sorry for the bad picture and title. Hopefully tomorrow's will be better!

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