Fraggle Rock

By frisky

Is started well...

Woke up feeling refreshed and full of energy, me & Zoe had great journey to Nursery, got some lovely photo's on my walk from dropping Zoe of to work (This is my favourite)

The light was just perfect, everything in a lovely warm orange glow - Crisp and bright... Even work was fun, was able to concentrate fully on the job in hand, overcame previous limitations (Self imposed possibly) and was getting on brilliantly)

Then last hour was an uphill struggle, no matter - Home to Anna & the kids (And the cats, can't forget them or else Stardust may get me)


F'n stupid useless boiler has decided to stop working... Called landlord, have someone out tomorrow - COLD HOUSE and no hot water.... One day we are due some good luck/good news - Fingers crossed eh?

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