Saintly thoughts...
...were difficult to come by last night as I argued with a dreadful, rude, South African businessman at Terminal 5. He was clearly having a bad day and was shouting down his mobile about how backward the UK and its people were, being aggressive and racist to the airport staff, but then made the arch mistake of trying to jump the queue ................... we (the backward people) might tolerate boorishness and turn a timid eye away from all sorts of dreadful 'isms but we'll not tolerate queue jumping. After raised voices and not a few threats, he eventually went to the back of the queue where he should have been, staring at me with venom. I smiled sweetly, but promised to do something unmentionable if he stepped out of line again. I do hope he enjoyed his visit to the UK.
I watched the Norman McCaig programme on iPlayer tonight. I really enjoyed it. Funny how some people enrich your life and others take from it. Norman McCaig was a giver.
This is funny.
Edit: Sorry, on re-reading it, this sounds like I'm having a pop at South Africans, I'm not, that was merely an observation which I probably should have left out.
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