
By CleanSteve

Na zdraví

I trained myself for my very early start tomorrow by having tea in bed by 7-15am. Helena wasn't having any of this and mumbled, as she pulled the duvet right over her head, 'I'm asleep'.

The light was beautiful after yesterday's dank, darkness portended the months to come. I brought my camera downstairs and went out with Bomble onto the patio. I played around, admittedly rather tentatively after yesterday's 'useful discussions', with some kindly souls who do know better than me.

I opened the fridge to get my coffee grounds and was knocked back by the colour of the demi-litre de Sauternes, which has been hanging around for several years, but only recently in the fridge. I bought it half-price in a Tesco sale, hoping that it would be as wonderful as my first exquisite introduction to dessert wine. That was over twenty years ago, when I went to have a snack lunch with a friend's parents. It was a momentous occasion for me, as it was a very simple domestic meal round the kitchen table, chez Geoffrey and Jane Grigson. As you can tell, I never forgot this treat, (thanks Sophie), nor the wine with each course, culminating with a tipple of the sweet stuff, which actually shocked me, it was so delightful.

I am probably not treating this wine properly, but then I don't ever really know what properly is. The Slivovice however was in its proper place according to Dana, who gave it to Helena and I, earlier in the summer. It is a plum brandy, which is common in central European countries. She came to visit us from Zlín, in the Czech Republic, with her daughter Daniela, for their summer holidays. Dana was Helena's landlady when she taught in Zlín for a year, in 1992-93. She visited Helena here in 1996 and so loved Stroud and the Cotswolds that she had always wanted to return. Her gift of the hard stuff was most appreciated and as you can tell I treat it reverentially.

I hope you don't think I am obsessed with alcohol at 9-30am on a Wednesday morning, but I just loved the light shining through the wine. It was a moment to be captured, but it has reminded me that we could open the bottle soon. Must create an occasion to merit it.

Meanwhile, Na zdraví (literally meaning 'to your health')

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