Ed's Blip

By edjackson


It was our 8th wedding annivesary today. We met up after work not having any set plans. We knew we would have a couple of drinks them go for something to eat but didn't know where.

We started off in Tigerlily on George, but while we were there we decided to change tack completely and go down nostalgia road by getting a taxi to the Maltings. This is a pub in which we have many memories of the days before we were married and during our days living in the flat in Parkside Terrace. But The Maltings is no more! It is now called The Montague and has undergone a major refurbishement. Unfortunately it has also lost a lot of the character that we knew. So we were in there reminiscing about past times.

We went for dinner in Blonde, a really nice small restaurant nearby that we also used to go to and that thankfully hasn't changed name. Then we walked back to Waverley along South Clerk St, Nicholson St and North Bridge. A walk that brought back many memories. We got the 10:30 train home.

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