it's in these moments

By jfblanchard

Just dance.

today's been such a strange day. i had classes in the morning, & i think i did pretty well on my psychology exam. i haven't felt like myself all day though. I took a nap, and ate a yummy dinner with jenn, so that made me happier :)

to be honest, i'm just glad monday's over.

there were like 8 people in my dorm room today playing JUST DANCE. it sure did make me smiiille. as shown in the picture, ross gets pretty into his dancing ;)

Chelsea came over today. We made cookies and had much needed US time. it made me realize how lucky i am to have a friend in her :) then after that, chel romance came over & we played some MARIO PARTY. haha, i honestly love her <3

Thought of the moment
"Confidence is the inner voice that says you are becoming what you are capable of being.

Have a great day!
peace & love.

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