...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Rain LEAFS behind

The rain leaves behind a puddle,
water gathers in a dip,
a leaf falls gently on it,
I squat down to blip.

The reflection of a clear day,
beckons me to linger,
the illuminated leafs edge,
I focus and depress my finger.

Continuing the series,
of leaves I am drawn to shoot,
this series getting old now,
time to hit reboot.

This week will be one year,
of blipping and logging life,
I have enjoyed this little journey,
but I still must be a wife.

My hubby feels neglected,
to the computer I sit for hours,
refining these dear pictures,
and commenting blippers flowers.

So after this year long commitment,
to which I gave my vow,
I feel free to miss a day or two,
At least that is what I am saying NOW!!!


I am in a quandary, Saturday is my one year, November 13 to November 13, but it looks like 365 will be on Friday. Our photo group is shooting on Saturday the 13th, and I want that to be my year, but I had made a commitment to shoot everyday. I don't know if I should miss a day, to make it 365 on Saturday, our photoday, or go ahead and shoot on Friday???

Any commentary....or does anyone really care??? I guess I shouldn't care!

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