As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

I Love My Cello

Today was uneventful. I took a gym test 1st period (I know...) and I went to an orchestra lesson 4th period. I practiced for my solo for awhile and when I came back, my teacher wanted to hear me play it. I played it for her and she thought it was great so she had me play it for the chorus teacher. I messed it up a little but I got through the beginning well enough. They both said that it sounded great. I hope I get it!

I handed in my ridiculous global paper today. I better get a good grade considering how much time I put into it and because he didn't teach us any of what the paper was about.

I went for a run for the first time in a week and a half. It was only a 3.5 mile run and I ran with Kenny. It was nice to be running again, but because I am who I am, I tripped and fell. :p I got back up and kept running, though!

I came home, played cello for a little, went to Boy Scouts, and now I'm blipping and listening to Sweeney Todd songs.

You have to watch this. It's the cutest little shell I've ever seen!

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