Fraggle Rock

By frisky

Woo Hoo

I'm back home - The Vet was very nice to me today, everyone said how lovely I was and gave me lots of attention.

Was back home in the afternoon and once the sleepy feeling wore of I was back to normal - Bit drafty on the side though, I think the Vet has stolen some hair so I shall have to inform mummy to get it back. The vet also tied string to me where it is drafty (See little picture). maybe this is to teach me to stop eating it?

The less we say about the "cone" the better really (See other little picture). Apparently if I try to pick the string I get that put on - Let me just make it clear if anyone puts that awful thing near me then they shall lose some serious amounts of blood (Did I mention I got Daddy the other day and made his hand go red?)

Anyway, plan for tonight is to sleep a bit, then tomorrow I feel i should investigate Jordans room, always lots of fun Lego to play with - He seems so happy looking for the "important" bit he needs to finish whatever he is making.

Night blippers (PS - Daddy says he is not letting me blip tomorrow as he wants a shot)

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