Club 107

By club107

It was about time I returned the favour

Another busy day, a cold and wet one so the family collectively started with porridge, tea vitamins and fruit juice, sufficient to combat the evil onset of winter. Number 1 son on antibiotics due to perpetual snuffles although last night he slept like an angel.

Bath time was brilliant, yesterday I saw a brief glimpse of the one boy paddle boat that is my son in a bath, doing his best to empty the bath onto the floor or any passers-by, tonight however it was my turn to try and do some baby washing in between flailing arms, very entertaining.

Then I did my good Samaritan and helped my neighbour, the one who helped me amongst other things in the pouring rain render El Garden Shedo waterproof, set up a fence etc etc, who had some technical IT issues. It was a pleasure to be able to help him. Even more entertaining when I showed his wife the possibility of youtube.

Otherwise it was sunlight behind the clouds behind the trees, Japanese electronic music would have been appropriate but today I listened to 30's jazz. I'm beginning to see the light.

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