
By Nenz


Nice of that toothache to ease off for the work week : )
Nice colours in the photo of a mothers day present from a while ago.
Nice day at work, fancy that for a Monday.
Nice weather.
Nice of that ant I was trying to capture to run so fast, I have lots of blurry photos of wood with even blurrier ants on it : (
Nice of the postie to bring me that letter to enrol back into my study.
Nice idea, not to have to study ever again.
Nice to look at life as a learning journey on everyday and every step we take.
Nice to be open to those lovely moments of learning from young children.
Nice to work in a place where I like all my colleagues.
Nice to have a job, really
Nice rhymes with wise.
Nice to be so wise....
.....enough niceness for now, I need to leave some for the rest of the week.

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