Il pleut
A very rainy day. It doesn't often rain here, not during the day anyway. But when it does; it does it properly: today it rained from just after we got up until after dark. And on rainy days we all just stand at the French windows gazing out at the weather, trapped inside.
So, my day's cleaning was slightly curtailed (no point mopping floors when there's mud to be trailed in) though I did manage to get the windows clean. The eaves on the house are big enough that rain doesn't touch the windows unless the wind gets up, which it doesn't ever seem to here when it rains. So, we had cleaner windows to gaze out through at the depressing weather.
It did give time for some catch up on iPlayer, and for finding some new music for Katherine to listen to. We both felt it was time she expanded her horizons beyond Abba (Mamma Mia has a lot to answer for), The Proclaimers (my fault) and the Blues (Mr B takes the credit for that). She seems quite happy with some of the new stuff, and even we like it. I'm sure it won't be long before me and her Dad saying we quite like something will be reason enough for her to hate it, so we'll enjoy this brief period where we can listen to the same music in the car I think.
One of the catch up shows we watched was the first episode of the new David Attenborough series about "First Life". Excellent stuff, as always: whenever I would muse "ah but ...." immediately after they would answer the question I had asked. Bliss on screen. And as for the miracle of the beginning of life: you can forget some bloke with a beard creating the whole shebang in six days - how about tiny microscopic creatures being trapped under a kilometre of ice for millions of years and yet still managing to evolve into, well, us.
Now that's what I call awesome.
EDIT: Nearly forgot about the backblips:
Thurs: big lumpy castle
Fri: dodgy dinner
Sat: fig leaf
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