
By spitzimixi

it was sunday and it rained

that sums up today really. I love the colours that rain makes and, at the moment we have the great combination of the last golden leaves but the grass is still green with growth.

Special prize for those who spot the sheep.

Today was very Sunday-like, strangely enough. Two went off to a wallyball tournament in Schaffhausen this morning, so I got up early-ish with them. Got lots of household things done (like scrubbing the shower til the dirt ran away in fear), watched some moving pictures with the remaining children, sorted clothes, cooked, baked, sorted out accounts, that kinda stuff.

Ended the child-filled bit of the day with a full on roast with crumble and custard for pudding caboodle and then went on to get a load of garden veg into the freezer. Might have snow tomorrow so it's a good feeling to have the stores groaning under the weight of my obsessive food-making and the woodpile well stocked. Now to make myself presentable for Mondayness tomorrow - at the moment I am covered in flour and dirt.......

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