All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Prehistoric hoopla!

Ethan didn't have a great nights sleep last night. It could be because we were late getting home from my sisters last night so his whole bedtime routine was out the window. Although he slept in the car, he was then disturbed when we got home and took ages to re-settle. He was then up during the night again. Hopefully tonight will be better.

Hubbie & I have started trying to tidy out the kitchen cupboards. The plan was to rearrange the contents before fitting the cupboard locks on the ones we really don't want Ethan to get into. However, all we seem to have done is have a tidy up and have put most things back where they came from in the first place!

In the afternoon I took Ethan down to the Almond Valley Heritage Centre as we hadn't been for a while. It was a bit too chilly for a game of prehistoric hoopla though haha! Ethan still refuses to wear a hat and kept taking it off - we then somehow managed to lose it while we were there and even though I retraced our steps, there was no sign of it. There were children playing on the trampolines but I didn't fancy taking my boots off today to take Ethan on it. I'd also forgotten to take gloves for him and by the time we wandered round to that area he was looking a tad cold, so we headed back home again.

He fell asleep in the car just before we got back. Rather than move him, we left him in the car and kept checking up on him every couple of minutes. Hubbie was fixing the outside security lights so wasn't too far away anyway and Ethan had a good, long nap.

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