Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Smelly Cheese

I always make sure my mouth is closed and I don't breathe in as I pass this shop - it is so smelly!

It has been a weird day today.
Maybe because it would have been Mum and Dad's wedding anniversary today.
Maybe because Mum is through staying with Moira, and that just feels a little strange. (my recently 'found out about' half sister)
Maybe because I am thinking about last weekends wedding.

Sitting in the car today, a track that was played at the wedding as the register was being signed came on. I burst into tears! Gee whizz!

This reminded me that I hadn't really paid too much attention to the tracks that were played on the day - was caught up too much in the moment.

So onto YouTube I went.

Played while signing the register

Walked up the aisle to.

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