Art e fact

By mpremkumar


Rangoli is a part of every celebration in India and so is very much associated with Deepavali too.

It was a busy day at work, being the last day before the long planned vacation. A satisfactory one though as I successfully completed the project I promised to deliver before leaving for my vacation.
Void of any ideas for today's blip I started back completing the pending household jobs. While collecting the clothes given for press from K who does this job for me, I found this beautiful Rangoli in front of his house and could not resist clicking it. He then shared that it took 3hours for his two daughters to make it. As I was clicking I found his younger daughter peeping out and I could see her happiness. I called her out and showed her work of art on my mobile screen. Her happiness made me happy and at once the evening seemed to be very pleasant for me. Will blip her some time if she permits me to do so.

Thatz it for today !

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