Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

Before & After

The top picture is was taken just last weekend..the bottom, today.

We could learn so much from mother nature if we only paid more attention. Change is inevitable, and it can happen seemingly in the blink of an eye. It's not always bad. As i told my son, while waiting for his kindergarten teacher, when he asked me why the trees were bare, "they're sleeping/hibernating for the winter. They need save their energy to give us the beautiful spring bloom. with all the flowers and new leaves for us to enjoy." He seemed ok with this answer.

I will admit, that Autumn is my most favorite season of the year. The colors and temps in early fall are just the best in my book.

I feel sometimes i'm a bit like mother nature, changing so much in what would seem like an 'over night' period. people think me crazy..but i'm inclined to let them think so. I just know what i want, and don't dawdle on the decision making. Once my mind is set, there's no stopping me ahaha.

Have a fantastic weekend!

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