Stop me Oh Oh Oh Stop Me

Stop Me If You Think That You Have Heard This One Before.

Oh So I Drank One, It Became Four
And When I Fell On The Floor, I Drank More

No Wine. This was a commitment I publicly made to myself and to my fellow earth-dwellers at 10am this morning. This was a rule I did not intend to break. I made a decision to break a previously well-held rule not to drink with those poor unfortunates with whom I work and I sallied forth on on a leaving 'do' for someone I really like.

It's 11.30pm now and I've just thrown myself through the front door, the cats seem not to have died of firwework noise related trauma and everything seems fine in the world. I did not drink wine and therefore am not lost in some netherworld and am smugly pleased that a)it can be done and b) it can be done.

When I showed my handwritten rule to our esteemed Head of Legal this morning he swiftly made a commitment of his own. The golden post-it-of-doom which is now in my possession for use at some later stage reads:

+ Dont be an arsehole
+ Dont call anyone else an arsehole
+ No more than 8 pints of premium lager
+ No exposing yourself
+ You are not Jim Morrrison

I can safely say - to the best of my knowledge - (obligatory legal disclaimer) that he did not expose himself.

Stop Me If You Think That You've Heard This One Before. The Smiths, 1987

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