
By dsyglsy


there may be a few of these blips from me this month, but I'll try not to bore...

here's beth manning the first stall of my craft season! I wasn't expecting many people to venture out on a cold dark thursday evening but there was a good turnout tonight and we did pretty well. I sold a few things and got two commissions, so I'm going to be pretty busy. I always wish at this time of year that I didn't need to sleep, I'd get so much more done.

we had a good laugh too - and betty was a great help...might take her to more fairs. ah, the fun you can have with a calculator and a ten year old trying to write words upside down with the numbers...

in other news, it's my friend lisa's birthday today - she's ace and I'm looking forward to going for a celebratory lunch with her and karen tomorrow. happy birthday lisa! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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