
Got this tagged onto my lunchtime innocent smoothie - kinda cute.
Such a manic day. Unfortunately for the cognition module the course textbook is only short loan in the library and I don't want to buy it as we are only going to need to use 5 chapters from it. However they are very long chapters with very small font. So in the course of about an hour and a half between my morning lecture and my afternoon class I only achieved about 10 pages...
We also received an email about some changes that needed to be made to the ethics forms we filled in for our group projects. I was given the job of printing everything out in the group (as well as filling most of it in *sigh*). it was when I was trying to find the papers that needed changes I realised we hadn't actually filled them out - just everything but. and its due in tomorrow, and there is 9 of us in the group who all should be there to make the decisions and sign everything. Panic and frantic getting in contact with everyone ensues. Most of it was done by afternoon class, still don't know if everyone has signed it yet. Arg! maybe I will get peace one day

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