
By dailykeith

Think local

After my rather frustrating search for frozen peas in big-name high street supermarkets on Tuesday, Mrs Dailykeith remarked that I might have done better to visit small local shops.

Then today, while I was exploring the self-style 'People's Republic of Stokes Croft', I came across this huge message. Interesting coincidence!

Ironically, it was Tesco who came to my rescue the other day. Sainsbury's and the Co-op both had such meagre offerings it was hardly worth crossing their threshold. But Tesco did manage to squeeze a tiny freezer compartment in among the acres of shelving for ready meals and ready-made sandwiches.

So there must really be people like me who actually prefer to cook a meal using 'ingredients'.

Anyway, the Stokes Croft battle over a planned new Tesco store raged for some time, but ended in defeat for the campaigners.

And it was fascinating to read the comments on the Bristol 24/7 website, which were surprisingly split on the decision.

One person wrote: "I am so tired of this endless negative type of protest that is just anti everything!"

I was particularly interested in that view because it mirrored my own thoughts recently on some other local protests.

Having said that, I still think I'll take up Mrs Dailykeith's suggestion - and that of the anti-Tesco artist - and 'think local' in future.

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