
By craftynini

'.... Scone .. Me . .. Good... Boy?'

Cabin fever had almost gripped me by the ankles this morning. Open Door suggested (demanded) that I get out of the house and get some fresh air (code for "get off our backside").

So armed only with waterproofs (inc. Harry), wellies, poo bags (for Harry, not me and Joe), mobile, a half packet of chuggie and a £10 note for the cafe; we headed to Dragon Forest.

It was truly peeing with rain, but as usua,l the walk, colours and landscape of Dragon Forst just makes everything feel good....

I took lots of gorgeous Autumn landscapes but plumped for this picture of Harry staring longingly at my scone after a long, wet walk (purchased from the cafe, along with hot chocolate and a Latte) just 'cause!

Harry did have some scone and was a very good boy until a large Basset Hound sat next to us and got Harry in a state!

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