As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

...You Have To Set Yourself On Fire

This morning was quite interesting....

As soon as I walk through the door to my science class first period, a girl (who shall remane nameless) threw up in the doorway. Our teacher was in the hall talking to another teacher and the doorway was blocked with puke so we just called her name until she came in and called the janitor. After that was taken care of, we did a lab where we denatured enzymes in liver and played with hydrogen peroxide. The lab was fun but the room smelled like cooked liver for the rest of the day.

After school, I had my first real study session for science olympiads. I'm looking forward to many more of these! I love to learn and I'm good friends with a lot of the people that do scioly so this is going to be a fun year! I looked over the two events I'm doing with Kyle and we decided that they're so easy, we only really need to meet a few times to learn everything. After that, me and Kaitlin looked at all of the information we need to know for fossils. It's a lot, but we're allowed to have an entire binder of notes with us when we take the test so the next few weeks is going to consist of digging up as much info about dinosaurs as we can. (No pun intended)

I had tennis at 6:00 and a piano lesson at 8:30. I'm really tired but I think I'm going to go read for a while. Right now, I'm reading A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. I'm really enjoying it so far.

I tried talking a cool picture of me holding a match but this is all I could get...

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