
By spitzimixi


after I had got everyone up and out, made bread, got the washing machine loaded and running, fed the animals, aired the rooms, made the beds, cleaned the loos, made myself presentable, I went to pilates.
And then, before coming home, I did the weekly shop. Once home I finished making lunch, hung washing on line, put away the shopping, took the living room curtains down and put them on to wash, fed the children, started making doughnuts and crackers, drove daughter 2 to her bass lesson, sorted out some teenage angst, picked up daughter 2 from bass lesson, hung curtains out, made doughnuts for selection of visitors and playing people, got stuff offa the washing line, drove children to volleyball training, came home, cut the garden hedge til it got dark, cooked the tea, burnt my fingers twice, stumbled over something and hacked a lump out of my toe, picked the children up from volleyball.
Eat tea with all, teenage angst part 2 occupied us til bedtime, then I cleared the tea table, re-hung the clean curtains, washed up, cut up a crateload of quinces and put them on to cook and sat down with a cuppa....and made the mistake of admitting on facebook that I had no blip.
At which point I was brutally set upon by Horrigans and Seeingasiam and forced to march about the house with my sore toe hurting at every step and my burnt fingers crying out in agony every time I pressed the shutter - but did they care? my arse they did.
Anyway, I found some tinsel I put up in 2005 and it's still looking pretty. Is it normal to leave christmas decorations up so long? Or should I think about taking them down?

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